During another round of business closures and operating adjustments we want to make sure our customers and potential customers know we are here to help.
TVC offers cloud and premise-based solutions that can keep you working remotely. We can help find internet and telephone services for your home or other off-site workstation that are cost effective and will keep you working and communicating as efficiently as possible.
Please reach out if you would like to utilize our complimentary technology evaluation so we can look at your information to provide solution options so you can utilize telephones away from the office, integrate your office number with your cell phone and/or computer, and more. This means your team can communicate just as they did in the office, with intercom, transfer, parking, instant messaging, texting, and more. Your office caller ID will show when calling customers from wherever you are at.
We are doing everything we can to handle your needs remotely, but when we must go on site we are using appropriate & available protective equipment, using disinfecting wipes, washing our hands often & as needed, and keeping social distancing in place as much as possible.
In return we ask that you do the same and inform our team if there have been any cases of illness or symptoms in your workspace. If so, our tech can remotely help direct you in completing the work and remotely test. We can return after 2-weeks or when the illness or symptoms have been proven negative.
Your safety and our team’s safety are of utmost importance. We wish you the best in staying safe and healthy. Please reach out to us at 951-677-4422 or email customersupport@tvcinc.net if you need any assistance.